Welcome to my blog

     Hello everyone, it is very exciting to see all of you showing interest in my blog! My name is William, most people call me Will, I am fine with both. I am a junior at Cypress Bay High School, and this is my first time creating a blog that is open for everyone to see but I have a good feeling about this and hope that you guys will enjoy the entirety of this blog as much as I will. 

    The reason why I decided to create this blog was to keep track of my process in my AICE Media Studies class as I will need it for my Cambridge portfolio project, I will continue to add posts regarding any new film projects that I get the chance to participate in while telling you guys my thoughts throughout the whole process. I will also bring up some discussions regarding famous films and their meaning, techniques they used, and my opinion on them. So, be ready for any upcoming posts as I share my thoughts on any films I am shown, and I will also be ready for any feedback from you guys regarding anything at all. Thank you all!!
