Decisions made
So after lots of research, I have finally made the big decision of what I will be doing for my big film opening. I have decided to stick with my original idea of going with the drama genre, it will be focused on more a teen drama involving sports, as I believe this is the genre I can most relate with and will be able to make the best work possible with.
One big decision I still have to make is what sport specifically I will integrate into my film opening, I was thinking of making a clip like the highlight reels that athletes make but up close and personal so the things that the athlete is feeling and his facial expressions can really be felt through the camera. But after seeing many examples I found on social media from people with filming experience I am stuck between soccer and basketball.
I checked over some of the necessary things to make an opening like this and I already have the equipment that I'd need for both choices, and I have many options for the location of where I will shoot the video. I have an overall idea of what the video will consist of but I will be creating a storyboard to come up with an exact idea of what I'll be filming, so stay tuned as I will be sharing more of my planning with you all.
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